Easily collect business details from Google Maps and export them to an organized Excel file.
Easily search TikTok accounts by keywords and collect profile details, including email addresses.
Automatically comment on TikTok videos based on specified criteria and generate a report of the comments.
Demonstrates how to set up a web scraping workflow.
Automatically follow TikTok users based on specified keywords and criteria.
Collect detailed information from specified LinkedIn user profiles.
Easily scrape comments from specified TikTok videos and save the results locally.
Efficiently retrieve and export search results from multiple search engines based on your specified keywords.
Easily export follower data from specified Twitter profiles.
This application can automatically open web pages and extract email addresses from the website.
Automatically extract the following list data from Twitter profiles and export it into a CSV file.
Automatically check if the provided email addresses are valid and retrieve essential domain information.
Scrapes product data from Temu search results based on specified keywords, supporting multiple Temu sites.
Find LinkedIn company profile links based on company names.
Effortlessly download multiple files from links provided in an Excel spreadsheet, regardless of file type.
Automatically collect Amazon product reviews and export them to an Excel file.
Collect product details from Amazon's list pages and automatically export the data for easy analysis.
Automatically summarizes content from YouTube videos by inputting their URLs.
Grow your LinkedIn network faster by automatically sending personalized connection invitations.
Takes a screenshot of the target webpage in the browser and saves it to a specified folder.
Loop through a list of URLs to scrape data from multiple web pages.
Bulk download and rename images based on URLs and preset names from an Excel file.
Loop through all hyper links from a webpage, capturing links up to 3 levels deep.
Automatically scrape list data from a multi-page website by looping through pagination.
Scrapes video list data from specified YouTube channel homepages.
Easily download TikTok videos from specified user profiles with just a few clicks.
Easily search and download high-quality images from Google based on your keywords.
Demonstrates how to extract keywords from an Excel file and perform multi-keyword searches on Google.
Easily collect product reviews from Amazon and export the data to Google Sheets.
Automatically inputs a single keyword into Google Search.